Monday, 3 December 2007

The Big B

Bungy that is - from Auckland Harbour Bridge. I know I said I wouldn't (see very first post) but once you're here you kind of get caught up in the idea that it's something you maybe should do once in your life. And it's only about 40 metres straight down to the water from the bungy pod suspended just under the central span...

This is how it goes. You head up from the southern end along the gangways under the bridge, harnessed up, much like the Sydney bridge climb. When you get to the middle it's a climb up ladders to the pod with half a dozen other people also looking vaguely green. Leaps are in order of weight - porkiest first - happily some recent kg loss took me out of pole position. You get clipped on at both your waist (that's how they haul you up after) and your feet (bungy rope attached to a big weight at your feet). Then shuffle along a ledge from the pod, put the heavy thing over the edge, smile for the camera (I didn't do that very well) then the crew helpfully count down, give you a gentle encouraging nudge and then OHHHHHMYYYYYYYGODDDDDDD!!!!. The speed down is amazing, then you get bounced up and down over the water as the bungy rope tightens and slackens, until you pull a release cord at which point you sit in the harness and they pull you up. Simple!

Final thought - it probably is something I only need to do once in my life.


Carolyn Shoosmith said...

M, Your man Vince is doing some nifty footwork in the HofC; a likely contender for next year's SCD. Speaking of which, can we have some shots of Salsa dancing when you get to South America, and also more photos of food.

Unknown said...

I'm not sure I can really believe that you did this...

Letting the fatties go first seems really quite odd...gets the rope nicely stretched and frayed before the skinny ones go.

Anonymous said...


Congrats. on being the 1st Pierce to jump from Auck. Bridge, but that's just child's play.

Now you must go to Africa for the Vic. Falls Bridge, at 111 metres the World's highest jump.

To make it more interesting, if the rope breaks, & you avoid the rocks, you
still have the Zambezi to swim, with its croc's & hippo's.

I just sat in the Hotel garden with a Gin Sling & watched from a distance.
