Tuesday, 18 December 2007

This is where it ends

Saturday 15th December.

We´ve wound up at a (much better) campsite south of the W, looking back at it across one of the lakes (see pic), a glass or two of Chilean red helping the effect along.

Later, standing by the edge of the lake on my own, it strikes me that this is the moment this journey ends. This is the end of forward progress - though we have a good day´s walking planned for tomorrow, and a couple of other distractions over the next few days - everything now starts to be about gradually getting home. I´m not sad, it all feels complete and right, all much more than I could really have reasonably expected, somehow more than the sum of its parts - though the parts individually distinct and great in their own ways - and for good measure ending with a particularly stunning one. What more can anyone ask? Now - it is time to go home.

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